Thursday, June 11, 2009

Essays and Regional Publications

I love writing essays.

I enjoy writing for regional parenting publications.

I had never considered combining the two until a Mother's Day essay I had written was rejected by a national publication. Eager to get the essay placed before Mother's Day, I decided to try placing it with a regional publication. I truly had no idea what sort of market I would find, but I knew that Haircuts and Conniption Fits would have no chance at publication if I let it waste away on my hard drive.

I have been pleasantly surprised by the results and have, just this week, submitted a second essay to RPPs. I am excited that Sports Car Girl, Minivan Life has already found a home. 

If you are an essayist with a tendency to write about your adventures in parenting, I suggest you give RPPs a shot.

Happy writing...


  1. This was just the push I needed, thank you, Julie! I've had a message out to RPPs drafted in my inbox for three weeks, with an essay attached. Something has been holding me back -- fear, most likely! I love the title of Sports Car Girl, Minivan life :).

  2. if you love writing essays and are GOOD at it, have I found a contest for you! check it out (I did it's totally on the level, I entered TWICE) 8-) grand prize is a home in hawaii! Good luck Shelly Sereno
