I prepared a specific list of tasks to complete today so that I could get back on track and wouldn't you know that research for an article helped me discover a solution to winterize my office, my writing and my mental state.
My office is functional at best. We are living in this home for only one year, so my office is not decorated or adorned with anything beyond my children's framed artwork. The office holds my work materials and bookcase, but otherwise serves as storage space for a random variety of stuff.
I just realized that my office should be a retreat, a welcoming and comfortable place that I WANT to visit. Winter, I've got your number. I am choosing relaxing background music, aromatherapy, and a comfortable working temperature as immediate solutions to my problem. I will continue to consider more ways to make my work space appealing and consider any investment in my office an investment in my career and my sanity.
How do you create an inviting work area for your writing?
My hat's off to you, Julie. There's no better way to set down roots and beat than to act like you're staying somewhere forever. Ummm...I write at one end of our dining room table and stack papers precariously around me so we can eat at the other end of the table (hanging my head sheepishly). BUT, there's a wood stove at the other end of the room. If I'm home all day writing, I'll light it up and tend the fire. And I look out the window at the rain and fir trees. It's a good writing space, even though it's temporary.